Opalescenceオパールエッセンスホームホワイトニング35%ホワイトニングキットTeeth Whitening Kit System- USA -Carbamide Peroxide Gel On-the-Go Pen LED Accelerator Light -Professional Results with At Home Treatment (Complete Kit)

Opalescenceオパールエッセンスホームホワイトニング35%ホワイトニングキットTeeth Whitening Kit System- USA -Carbamide Peroxide Gel On-the-Go Pen LED Accelerator Light -Professional Results with At Home Treatment (Complete Kit)

【歯のホワイトニングキット 美しい歯】
歯をを白くするキット: Includes One Duplex Mouth Tray - NO need to heat and form save time and your sanity these trays are ready to go. This tray is made from a thick non-flimsy soft plastic and fits snug on the teeth for maximum dispursement of the peroxide gel. Trays made in the USA! •10cc Syringe of 35% Carbamide Peroxide Gel - Perfect percentage to get the professional results you desire without the over sensitivity of higher peroxide levels. 35% is all you need for Beautiful Results. Made in the USA and has a 2 year shelf life after purchase! •On-The-Go Whitening Pen - For life on the move: throw it in your car your purse take on vacation or in your desk at work. You will be ready for an emergency whitening in 15 minutes. Formula mixed in a FDA facility and filled in the USA. •All inclusive kit also includes (1) Mint Flavored Deep Cleaning Teeth Wipe (1) Vitamin and Aloe Swab and a Tooth Color Shade guide to keep track of your progress. •As a Bonus the kit includes a LED Mouth Light. Simply apply the whitening gel with On-The-Go Pen or on the Duplex Mouth Tray and then hold the mini LED light to the front of the teeth as a whitening accelerator.



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